Hold back the tears, all is not lost, for out of the ashes a phoenix will rise!
This was just the kick up the arse I needed - my life has changed significantly over the last 6 months, and so what better time to launch a new website. James 2.0; the engine uprated, the bodywork polished, new and improved, I hope you will agree.
Everything should be live in the next few days, but for now here are a few screenshots just to tease...
Big kiss
James x

That logo is a bit pink compared to everything else
You just need to get in touch with your feminine side...
Hello James, may November be a right period to climb in the Peak District?
Thank you!
PS. sorry if I use your blog for this but I'm not able to find your email address :-)
November, through to March/April is the best time to climb in the peak, with the most stable weather usually coming around the beginning of Feb - however it could rain at any time, for any amount of days :(
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